The deep meaning behind our name Synergy Solutions represent our way of thinking and our vision for the future of the company, Synergy or synergism (from the Greek synergos, meaning working together) refers to the phenomenon in which two or more discrete influences or agents acting together to create an effect greater than that predicted by knowing only the separate effects of the individual agents.
Some of the meanings which we strongly believe in are as follow;
Synergy for Humans: Their synergy produces far more than each working independently.
Synergy for Systems: Integration of multiple technologies produces much better solutions.
Synergy for Systems & Humans: The combination of human strengths and computer strengths. Computers can process data much faster than humans, but lack common sense. When a person uses a computer, the person’s thoughts are the input for the computer, where it is translated into efficient processing of large amounts of data. Other humans must first set up the methods for processing.